Grady Little gone.
But clubhouse needs makeover.
Trade Manny for Vlad.
27 October 2003
Preprinted, prepaid
My World Series tickets shine
Until I wipe ... wipe....
27 October 2003
By: Budes
Hey wait 'til next year
Every eighty-six years
Like clockwork. Go Sox.
27 October 2003
By: Budes
And now my children
You know for yourselves the pain
Of what might have been.
27 October 2003
By: Budes
Pinstriped men jump up
and shout on TV. On the
couch my stomach hurts.
27 October 2003
"Haiku is supposed to 'capture a moment or a feeling....'"
In 2004
nine players will go. Best of
luck to you, Theo.
27 October 2003
By: Fan14bosox
Yanks fizzle, led by Jeter.
Money can't buy rings.
Little: afterthought.
27 October 2003
By: J/R
Yanks squished by the Fish
A surprise for the ages
A smile to my face
27 October 2003
"I felt just a little bit better on Saturday night. It might be a bit of schadenfreude, but at least Yankee fans know a fraction of our pain!"
Die hard Red Sox fan
At least the Yanks lost in six
Next year without Little?
27 October 2003
By: JS
Why, Grady? Why did
You not go to Embree one
Batter earlier?
27 October 2003
By: MaG
Wakefield's knuckleball
Mesmerizes Yankee bats
Until Boone nails one.
27 October 2003
By: MaG
Dusty and Grady.
Two men who don't know that a
Pitch count can save jobs.
27 October 2003
By: MaG
Pedro cruising but
Babe awakes and punishes
For ass-pitch comment.
27 October 2003
By: MaG
Twin curses of Cubs
And Sox still alive after
8th innings from hell.
27 October 2003
By: MaG
"Didn't know you had a website until I saw it mentioned in Sports Illustrated. Below are several I composed in the aftermath of Game 7."
To be a Sox fan
There are few happy moments
'cept when Yankees lose.
27 October 2003
By: Mulderjoe
Boston lost again.
A yearly phenomenon.
Cubs fans can relate.
27 October 2003
By: Rich
No Little league in
The Bigs: We care too much and
Pay too much for that!
27 October 2003
Too Little, too late, too
many questions just won't a-
bate: Gone -- Grady's fate
27 October 2003
a distant boyhood
memory clings to my soul
candles for buckner
28 October 2003
By: ANeu
its warm in tucson
as my sox are on TV
Wait! Why's Pedro still in?
28 October 2003
By: ANeu
Semper fidelis,
They cheer, cry. Leathernecks? No.
Fans who, now hoarse, hide.
28 October 2003
By: CAl
No Sox-Cubs this year
Apocalypse averted
It's Bush's turn now
28 October 2003
By: Geezer
Numbers and stats rule
Could Burkett play for Red Sox?
Not on Theo's chart
28 October 2003
By: Geezer
Grady's not to blame
Best hitters but no bullpen
Theo's got some work
28 October 2003
By: Geezer
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Yankees lost to stupid fish
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
28 October 2003
Every year the same,
We shoot ourselves in the foot.
Grady? Pedro? all.
28 October 2003
Jorge kills us, then
Jorge makes the final out.
How does that feel, Yank?
28 October 2003
Never past seven
Even you know that, Grady
How could you forget?
28 October 2003
"Written after Game 7"
Say Goodbye Grady
Thanks for all the memories
To wrap broken hearts.
28 October 2003
"After Little's firing"
Johnny Damon will
you divorce your wife, leave your
kids, and marry me?
28 October 2003
By: jwh
Red Sox lose again!
Bambino curse is hooey.
Management to blame.
29 October 2003
By: ChC
Sox win! Red Sox win!
Delirium. But fog lifts:
I'm back at my desk.
29 October 2003
By: Chat
Sublime Fenway Park
Emerald diamond shrine
To baseball's lost gods
29 October 2003
By: EBe
Anyway you say it
Bosox, Red Sox, Beantowners
It still comes out LOSER.
29 October 2003
By: Gbh
"Here's to another 85 years of the curse."
Moundward, in a fog
Crawls this Carolinian
Pedro shakes his head
29 October 2003
By: RiB
Fastball flattened out.
Defensive replacements in.
A fourth-grader gasps
29 October 2003
By: RiB
Since 1918
Not one world championship.
Futility sucks.
29 October 2003
By: Rich
Fenway lies still now
Little: Forever gobshite
Boston's wounds fester
29 October 2003
By: Richard in Honolulu
"For definition(s) of "gobshite" try here .Acknowledgements to my brother Dennis."