The first stunned grunts of pain. Haiku submitted through November 21, 2003.

Stick a fork in it
Pedro? Trot? Doesn't matter
Who. The Sox are done.

16 October 2003

Going, going, gone
In the eleventh inning
Winter has begun

16 October 2003

Yankees play Marlins
In the fall classic. Who cares?
Outside, red leaves fly.

16 October 2003

winter comes early
some seasons second guesses
fail to keep me warm

16 October 2003
By: WW
"I wrote this last week, mailed to all my friends; then one of them told me about your site. Thanks. Been a Sox fan for 38 years."

On the chopping block,
Twisting to see the hatchet,
Thanksgiving turkey.

17 October 2003
By: BrB

Dale Arnold says that
They're ruining our summer
As chill clouds gather.

17 October 2003
By: MB

Bucky Fucking Dent.
Mookie grounds one to Buckner.
Pedro: Posada.

17 October 2003
By: MB

Macho, Macho, Ma-
Cho man.  I gotta always
Say "I can."  Pedro.

17 October 2003
By: mrc

Grady Little, too
Nice for the Red Sox.  Oh, woe!
Tough love needed now.

17 October 2003
By: mrc

Tears, slowly dripping
Into my remote control
Until next spring . . . sigh

18 October 2003

Red Sox versus Cubs
Gives new meaning to the words
"Fantasy Baseball."

18 October 2003
By: LT

Press conference silence:
Nobody has another
Question for Grady.

18 October 2003
By: MB

Johnny takes him out
Then Seventeen years later
Grady keeps him in

19 October 2003
By: MF

Five more outs is hard
But better than one more strike
Keep the faith Sox fan

19 October 2003
By: MF

Buckner or Little
It doesn't really matter
Someone will fuck up

20 October 2003
By: MM

Bright leaves falling. Clear
Blue sky. Frost at dawn. Autumn,
Red Sox lose again.

20 October 2003
By: mrc

To: Little
Too late. You never missed the chance to
miss a chance. Why ask?

20 October 2003
By: PCi

Manny Ramirez.
Why don't you run for a ball.
A hit would be nice.

20 October 2003
By: DR

When will the Sox learn?
Beaten down in seven games.
The Yankees still suck.

20 October 2003
By: DR
""A little negative, but so were the playoffs." "

Poor Grady Little
best manager in baseball
from the neck down -- sigh.

20 October 2003
By: SG

Silent cries ringing
concentric circles of hell
Green Monster bleeds red

20 October 2003
By: SG

Pedro. Oh, Pedro.
You threw a little too long.
Damn Grady Little.

20 October 2003
"The angry version"

Pedro. Oh, Pedro.
You threw a little too long
But we love you still.

20 October 2003
"The melancholy version"

Career years for all;
Too many contracts to sign;
There is no next year.

21 October 2003
By: BW

No, it's not hindsight.
We were yelling "take him out!"
Leader, or bat boy?

21 October 2003
By: BW

Red Sox fans know
In the Fall we get a goat;
Grady Little

21 October 2003

Georgie spends money
Fall is when the Yankees win;
Buy twenty seven

21 October 2003

Did George pay Pedro
In the Fall he has to win;
Sweet ones in the eighth

21 October 2003

A victim of love,
I married a Yankees fan.
Now he cheers. I sulk :-(

21 October 2003

blame it on pedro
or drop the blame on grady
babe laughs either way

21 October 2003

history repeats
as it has and always will
still deny the curse?

21 October 2003

Good man makes bad choice
Grady, we hardly knew you
a Little tragedy

21 October 2003
By: SGo

we cannot resist
picking at this ancient scar
still it won't callous

21 October 2003
By: WW

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