[Error Creating Counter File -- Click for more info]">

Send in a haiku!

First name:  

Last name:  


Not required. Will never appear on the site. Just in case we want to write back about how much we like your haiku . . .


<--Required. (This is what will show up on the site.)

Email address:  

<--Required. (Just in case we need to write back.)



Any comments? (Will appear with your haiku on the site.)

Other comments to the editors? (Won't appear on the site--just in case you have anything else to say to us.)

Weird little note: if you leave out any of the required information -- identifier, email address, or haiku -- you will get an ugly error page. Sorry. Just go "Back" to try again. (Anyone out there familiar with the cgiemail script, and how to improve this behavior? You can let me know.)


We will never sell, rent, or give away your name or email address to anyone else or any other organization. Your poetry, comments, and identifier, may be posted on or any successor Web site(s). Your name and email address will never be posted.